Traduction de "distanciado" à anglaise
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No obstante, las partes siguen estando muy distanciadas, por lo que será importante reforzar este proceso.
The distance between the two parties remains great, however, and it will be important to reinforce that process.
La elite negra ha sido absorbida en la maquinaria blanca, se ha distanciado del pueblo y se aprovecha de su nueva situación.
The black elite had been sucked into the white machine, distancing themselves from the people and revelling in their new status.
Entretanto, las autoridades de Haití se han distanciado en cierta medida de ese plazo.
Meanwhile, the Haitian authorities have somewhat distanced themselves from that deadline.
Subrayaron que las elecciones eran uno de los componentes del estado de derecho y que en años recientes, la visión popular y corporativa de las elecciones se había distanciado.
They stressed that elections were one component of the rule of law. In recent years, there had been distance between a popular and a corporate approach to elections.
A consecuencia de ello, Venezuela se ha distanciado del documento final de la Cumbre Mundial de 2005, que representa un paso atrás para el desarrollo.
As a result, Venezuela distanced itself from the 2005 World Summit Outcome, which marked a step backwards for development.
Por difícil que sea, esa cohabitación entre la dimensión emotiva y el análisis distanciado es indispensable.
However difficult, the cohabitation between the emotional dimension and a distanced analysis is indispensable.
Sin embargo, conviene señalar que aunque se considera que Politika apoya al Gobierno, recientemente se ha distanciado de la política oficial.
However, it should be noted that, although considered pro-Government, Politika has recently distanced itself from government policy.
Gracias a estos programas se han distanciado los embarazos.
Using these programs has increased the distance between the pregnancies.
Por último, mi delegación considera que este proyecto de resolución se ha distanciado del espíritu de cooperación que caracterizó a su resolución predecesora.
Finally, my delegation feels that this draft resolution has distanced itself from the cooperative spirit that was a characteristic of its predecessor resolution.
Será difícil estar tan distanciados.
Long-distance would be hard.
Al haberme distanciado un poco, yo...
Having had a little distance I am...
"No estamos mas Distanciados...."
"We are no longer distanced..."
Los dos estamos tan distanciados.
There's such distance between me and him.
Nunca dije "distanciada".
I never said "distance".
Gustav se ha distanciado ultimamente.
Gustav has distanced himself lately.
¿No estabas distanciado de Svend Åge?
Weren't we distancing ourselves from Svend Åge?
Como si nos hubieramos distanciado.
There's a distance between us.
Todos nos hemos distanciado del gobierno.
“We’re all distanced from government.
Ya se había distanciado muchísimo de ellos.
Already she had traveled a great distance from them.
Alma y Carvalho caminan algo distanciados.
Alma and Carvalho keep their distance as they walk along.
De nuevo acabó distanciado de sus amigos.
Again he became distanced from his friends.
¡Tengo que mantenerme distanciado del Coronel Joll!
I must assert my distance from Colonel Joll!
Tenía tanto miedo de las repercusiones, que se había distanciado de los Cestia.
He was so afraid of repercussions, he distanced himself from the Cestii.
Se ha distanciado de Jamal Nari; lo ha despersonalizado.
She has distanced herself from Jamal Nari and depersonalized him.
Lamento que mis desencuentros con Mona nos hayan distanciado a ti y a mí.
I'm sorry that my disagreements with Mona have put a distance between us.
Pero por primera vez Hope se sintió algo distanciada de él.
But for the first time, she felt some distance from him.
Sólo la mente está realmente distanciada; el cuerpo no tanto.
Only the mind is truly distanced, the body much less so.
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