Traduction de "dientes enormes" à anglaise
Dientes enormes
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Tiene dientes enormes, y unas maravillosos manos peludas, y grandes dedos planos.
He has huge teeth, you know beautiful hairy hands, and big flat fingers, take a look at them once.
Incluso aunque tenías aparato y unos dientes enormes, y eras un poco gordita en el colegio... siempre he estado enamoradísimo de ti.
Even though you had braces and huge teeth, and you were a bit chubby in school... I always had the biggest crush on you.
El oso enorme tiene dientes enormes.
The huge bear has huge teeth.
¡Los vuela y luego un monstruo con dientes enormes lo persigue!
He blows 'em up and then dives thousands of feet and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth!
El tenía dientes enormes. Locutor
He had really huge teeth.
Tenía unos dientes enormes, advirtió Clary con inquietud.
He had huge teeth, Clary noticed uneasily;
otros tenían los dientes enormes y la mirada ausente de los idiotas;
others had the huge teeth and vacant gazes of idiots;
Sus dientes enormes hacían un ruido horrible al roer los huesos y arrancar los tendones.
Their huge teeth made a horrible sound, gnawing against the bones and stripping away the gristle.
Los neumáticos estaban reventados y de las llantas se proyectaban hacia afuera unos dientes enormes que, era evidente, serian la «tracción de emergencia».
The tires were torn and from them projected the huge teeth which were obviously the "emergency traction."
Ahora meneó la esbelta cabeza, descubrió sus dientes enormes y lanzó un relincho lastimero.
Now she tossed her gaunt head, writhed back her black lips from her huge teeth and whinnied snickeringly.
Encuadrado por la luz, el monstruo surgió de la oscuridad con los labios tensos y retraídos sobre unos dientes enormes y con las zarpas llenas de garras prestas a atacar.
Framed by his light-beam, the monster loomed out of the darkness, its lips pulled back from its huge teeth, its clawed paws raised to strike.
Entonces aquel hedor húmedo le envolvió y unos dientes enormes se cerraron a cada lado de su cara, masticando el hueso y la calavera, justo por delante de las orejas, a ambos lados de su cabeza. 16
Then the moist reek enveloped him and huge teeth closed on either side of his face, crunching through bone and skull just forward of his ears on both sides of his head. 16 CROZIER
Aldous se lanzó corriendo hacia él con los brazos extendidos, haciendo gestos de negación con la cabeza, con los labios abiertos sobre sus dientes enormes, y su probable intención era arrojarse a las rodillas de Beard y mendigar su clemencia.
Aldous was starting to run at him, arms outstretched, his head shaking in denial, his lips stretched across his huge teeth, and it was probably his intention to throw himself at Beard’s knees and beg for mercy.
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