Traduction de "devorándolos" à anglaise
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La sombra adelantó a los hombres, devorándolos a su paso.
The shadow had overtaken the men, devouring them as it went.
Acababa de descubrir los libros de Arthur Weignall y estaba devorándolos uno tras otro.
I had just discovered Arthur Weigall’s books and was devouring them one after another.
La multitud de miembros de la Liga y nobles estaban atrapando los bocados que arrojaba Mercy y devorándolos con risas y vítores llenos de hilaridad.
The throng of Guild members and nobles were catching the tidbits that Mercy threw and devouring them with hilarious cheers.
En su juventud leyó a los románticos por influencia de su maestro Simón Rodríguez, y siguió devorándolos como si se leyera a sí mismo con su temperamento idealista y exaltado.
In his youth he read the Romantics under the influence of his tutor, Simón Rodríguez, and he continued to devour them as if he were reading himself and his own idealistic, intense temperament.
Algunos escritores huyeron corriendo por las colinas, pero estas se cerraron sobre ellos como flores carnívoras que atraen a los insectos y los dejan posarse sobre sus suaves ondulaciones para derrumbarse de repente sobre ellos, devorándolos.
The writers who’d made it up the hills found the ground closing over them like a carnivorous flower, having allowed them to alight on its soft undulations only to devour them.
Pero, antes de que Cadmo pudiera alcanzarlo, el despiadado reptil había dado muerte a sus pobres compañeros, y se encontraba muy atareado devorándolos, aunque cada hombre no era sino un pequeño bocado para aquel monstruo.
Before Cadmus could reach the spot, this pitiless reptile had killed his poor companions, and was busily devouring them, making but a mouthful of each man.
La tarea de Adelia seguramente consistía en planificar y organizar esas comidas, y luego impedir que la viesen devorándolas. La etiqueta dictaba que, en compañía, apenas probara bocado; masticar y tragar eran actividades en exceso carnales.
Adelia’s task would have been to design and order these dinners, then to avoid being seen to devour them. Custom would have dictated that she only pick at her food while in company: chewing and swallowing were such blatantly carnal activities.
Con veloces movimientos, las truchas saltaron hacia los aturdidos salmones, devorándolos en cantidades asombrosas. Lo más probable es que Nerka, totalmente desorientado por el golpe contra la piedra, se convirtiera en una presa fácil y desapareciera antes de llegar al agua salada que lo llamaba.
With swift, darting motions the trout leaped at the stunned smolts, devouring them in startling numbers, and it seemed likely that Nerka, totally disoriented by slamming against the rock, would be an easy prey and disappear before he ever reached the salt water which was luring him.
Lo has visto con tus propios ojos, devorándola con su mirada.
You have seen him with your own eyes, devouring her with his looks.
Dicen que su manada viaja en enjambres... devorándolo todo a su paso.
They say that her pack travel in swarms devouring everything in their path.
Señor Crisparkle, lo has visto con tus propios ojos, sentándose en tu piano, en tu casa, devorándola con sus ojos.
Mr Crisparkle, you have seen him with your own eyes, sitting at your own piano, in your own house, devouring her with his looks.
Y mientras está devorándola, mira hacia arriba.
And as he's devouring her, he looks up.
Morgan y yo pasamos todo un verano devorándolo.
Morgan and I spent an entire summer devouring this one.
Murió protegiendo a su hijo, no devorándolo.
She died protecting her child, not devouring it.
A veces le sorprendía devorándola con los ojos.
Often she surprised him devouring her with his eyes.
Francamente, me temo que terminaremos devorándola viva.
Frankly, I despair that we’ll wind up having to devour her alive.
La oscuridad comenzó a reptar hacia ella, devorándolo todo a su paso.
Darkness began crawling toward her, devouring everything in its way.
Buscó su mirada y vio sus ojos casi devorándola.
Her eyes sought his and his look almost devoured her.
Un humo espeso se expandió sobre las baldosas blancas y negras devorándolo todo.
Thick smoke billowed out, spreading across the black and white tiles, devouring everything.
—Sabía que vendrías a ayudarme —le dijo él, devorándola con los ojos.
"I knew that you would come to help me," he said, his eyes devouring the sight of her.
Karen lo había tomado como una araña viuda, devorándolo y agotándolo por completo.
Karen had taken him like a widow spider, devouring him and utterly draining him.
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