Traduction de "desagradaría" à anglaise
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Me desagradaría que por este camino llegáseis al escepticismo
I would be displeased if through this way you were to reach scepticism,
Una muerte gloriosa no le desagradaría.
A glorious death would not displease him.
Eso desagradaría a mi padre, el papa.
It would so displease my father, the pope.
Si atrapan a Barrow no me desagradaría.
If you collar Barrow, it wouldn't displease me.
Si esto falla, la vida de alguien a quien quiero mucho estará en peligro, y eso me desagradaría muchísimo.
If this fails, the life of someone I care for deeply will be in jeopardy, and that would displease me immensely.
—¿Te desagradaría que así fuera?
“Would that eventuality displease you?”
A este rey no le desagradaría que atacaras las ciudades Chin.
This king would not be displeased if you make war on the Chin cities.
¿Le desagradaría mucho a Su Alteza que tomase prestadas las ropas de… de este sujeto?
Would it displease Your Bloody Highness if I borrowed this fellow's…clothes?
Siendo tan feo agradaría a la Reina tanto como desagradaría a Josiana.
His ugliness would please the queen in the same proportion as it displeased Josiana.
Por lo que sabía, esta idea desagradaría a Hugh: a él le encantaba ir a la biblioteca.
Hugh, I knew, would be deeply displeased by this suggestion. He loved going to the library.
Me desagradaría profundamente que alguien viniera aquí a decirme cómo gobernar Temilún.
I would be very displeased if someone came here to tell me how to manage Temilún.
De todos modos, no será difícil desalentarle, y, por tanto, no informaré a madame Duval de su carta, pues tengo motivos para creer que le desagradaría mucho.
It will not, however, be difficult to discourage him, and therefore I shall not acquaint Madame Duval of his letter, as I have reason to believe it would greatly displease her.
Los sentimientos de la dama se centraron entonces en él, a tal punto que se las ingenió para transmitirle, mediante insinuaciones indirectas de amigos, que no le desagradaría que reanudara sus atenciones.
Her heart began to be so much with him now that she contrived to convey to him, by indirect hints through his friends, that she would not be displeased by a renewal of his former attentions.
En el otro extremo están los conservadores que piensan que el concepto bíblico de autoridad prohíbe que las mujeres oren en público; que al Padre celestial le desagradaría oír a sus hijas orar en un santuario.
At the other end are conservatives who think that the biblical notion of authority prohibits women from praying in public—that the heavenly Father would be displeased if he heard his daughters pray in his sanctuary.
Pareció finalmente que Quiggin opinaba, tal vez con razón, que toda aquella cháchara familiar le desagradaría a Erridge, y por ello comenzó a mencionar, en plan exploratorio, algunos de los asuntos que ambos llevaban entre manos.
Quiggin seemed to judge, perhaps correctly, that Erridge was displeased by all this chit-chat, and began to mention tentatively executive matters existing between them;
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