Traduction de "dejar el hombre" à anglaise
Dejar el hombre
Exemples de traduction
“‘Por tanto, dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne.’ (Génesis; 2:24) En esta unión trasmiten la vida a nuevos seres humanos, se vuelven padres.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. In this union they transmit life to new human beings: they become parents.
Y dijo: ‘Por esto dejara el hombre al padre y a la madre, y se unirá a la mujer, y serán los dos una sola carne.’ De manera que ya no son dos, sino una sola carne.
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.
«Por esto», nos dice el Génesis cuando se encuentran Adán y Eva, «dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se adherirá a su mujer y vendrán a ser los dos una sola carne».
“Therefore,” Genesis tells us, when Adam and Eve are brought together, “does a man leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they become one flesh.”
El escritor del Génesis subraya esta diferencia fundamental con el Gilgamesh: «Por eso dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre y se adherirá a su mujer y vendrán a ser los dos una sola carne» (2:24;
The Genesis writer underscores this key difference from Gilgamesh: “Therefore does a man leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they become one flesh” (2:24, Alter trans.).
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