Traduction de "debatir" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Aspectos a debatir
Points for discussion
Cuestiones a debatir
Questions for discussion
Vamos a sentarnos y debatir.
Let's sit and discuss.
- Lo acabamos de debatir.
- We just discussed it.
No hay nada que debatir.
What's there to discuss?
-No podemos debatir lainvestigación.
- We can't discuss the investigation.
Debatir tus opciones.
Discuss your options.
Quiero debatir un proyecto.
I want to discuss a project.
¿Hay algo que debatir?
Is there anything to discuss.
Hay mucho que debatir.
There is much to discuss.
No pueden debatir sobre él.
You can't discuss it.
- Déjeme debatir a mi.
- Me leave discuss.
Había mucho que debatir y que recordar.
There was much to discuss and much to relive.
Pero este… —No es el mejor día para debatir sobre religión.
But this--" "This is not the day to discuss religion."
Ahora, comencemos a debatir.
“Now we shall begin the discussion.
Aún nos queda mucho por debatir.
We’ve still got lots to discuss.
No tiene ningún sentido debatir ahora sobre ella.
“There’s no point in discussing her.”
Tal vez podamos debatir esto.
This, perhaps, we may discuss.
Ahora había que debatir diversos planes.
Various plans now had to be discussed.
c) Debatir la política del Gobierno;
(c) Debate of cabinet policy;
Se proyecta debatir el tema en el Congreso.
The Congress is to hold a debate on this issue.
Se debatirá en breve en el Parlamento.
It would shortly be debated in Parliament.
La Asamblea Legislativa se encargaría de debatir y aprobar (por mayoría) toda nueva ley para Santa Elena y podría debatir sobre otros asuntos.
The Legislative Assembly would be responsible for debating and passing (by majority) any new laws for St. Helena and could debate any other matter.
Estas cuestiones no se pueden debatir interminablemente.
The issues cannot just be endlessly debated.
Usted debatir alteplasa?
You debating alteplase?
Tienes que debatir.
You need to debate.
- La Junta debatirá.
- The board's gonna debate.
Ah, a debatir.
Ah, such a debater.
-Nosotrso queremos debatir!
-We want to debate!
Realmente deberias debatir.
We really should debate.
Vamos a debatir.
Let's debate.
¿Qué hay que debatir?
What's the debate?
Deberíamos debatir ahora.
We should debate now.
Eso se puede debatir.
That's debatable.
No había nada que debatir—.
there was no debate.
Pero no era el momento de debatir.
    But this wasn't the time for a debate.
El Senado podía debatir.
The Senate could debate.
no es necesario debatir sobre ello.
there's no need for a debate on it,'
—Ésa es la cuestión a debatir.
“That’s the debatable point.
Debatir era un derroche de energía.
Debating was a waste of energy.
Todo lo que hizo fue debatir con él.
All you did was debate with him.
Pero no he venido para debatir sobre eso.
But I am not here to debate these things.
No hay mucho que debatir sobre eso, ¿verdad?
There isn't much to have a debate over in matters like that, is there?"
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