Traduction de "de lino fino" à anglaise
De lino fino
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Por tanto, volved a vuestro palacio y poneos vuestra púrpura y vuestro lino fino.
Therefore go back to thy Palace and put on thy purple and fine linen.
Hizo que lo vistieran con ropas de lino fino, y que le pusieran un collar de oro en el cuello.
He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck.
Algunas personas son elegidas para espléndidos banquetes y púrpuras y lino fino. Quizá sea usted una de ellas.
'Some's pre-elected to sumptuous feasts, and purple and fine linen,--may be yo're one on 'em.
—No creo que las mujeres casadas duerman con eso —dijo Matthew, tirando de mi camisón de lino fino.
“I don’t think married women sleep in these,” Matthew said, plucking at my fine linen night rail.
—¡Ay, ay, la gran ciudad, que estaba vestida de lino fino, púrpura y escarlata, y adornada de oro, piedras preciosas y perlas!
Alas, alas, for the great city that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, with jewels, and with pearls.
De los viejos baúles encontrados en los sótanos del castillo habían salido chaquetas de seda, camisas de lino fino y sombreros de diversos estilos con plumas y borlas.
From out of the old trunks in the basement of the castle had come silk jackets and trousers, shirts of fine linen, hats of various fashion, some with plumes and others with tassels.
Todos los levitas cantores —es decir, Asaf, Hemán, Jedutún, sus hijos y sus parientes—estaban de pie en el lado este del altar, vestidos de lino fino y con címbalos, arpas y liras.
All the Levites who were musicians — Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives — stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres.
Los oficiales, al frente de su respectiva división, iban magníficamente equipados, de acuerdo con su origen noble: armadura de bronce y capa de lino fino, teñida de rojo o púrpura.
The officers were more magnificently appointed as befitted their noble origins. Their armour was of bronze and their cloaks were of fine linen dyed purple and red, and they marched at the head of their divisions.
Cuando hubo terminado, otra floritura de las manos del elfo hizo aparecer un cuenco con una mezcla de agua y vinagre templados, así como un paño de lino fino para que Elmara se limpiara la cara y las manos.
When she was done, another flourish of the elf's hands produced a bowl of warmed vinegar-water and a fine linen cloth for Elmara to wash her face and hands with.
Los barcos regresaban a Veracruz con su cargamento de odres de aceite y vino, barriles con higos, pasas de uva, aceitunas, lana basta llamada kersey, lino fino y barras de hierro.
The ships returned to Veracruz laden with skins of oil and wines, barrels of figs, raisins, olives, coarse wool called kersey, fine linen, and iron ingots.
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