Traduction de "de doctores" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
¿Qué clase de doctor?
What kind of doctor?
Una lista de doctores.
A list of doctors.
- Ah, hablando de doctores,
- Oh, speaking of doctors,
Eran solo el Doctor, el Doctor y el Doctor.
They were just the Doctor, the Doctor, and the Doctor.
Su mente le gritaba: ¡Doctora, doctora, DOCTORA!
Her mind screamed at her — Doctor, Doctor, DOCTOR!
No eran sorprendentes aquéllos sí doctor, no doctor, por supuesto doctor.
No wonder it was yes, doctor, no, doctor, certainly, doctor.
¿Doctora Hilda, doctor Carter, doctor Burroughs?
Doctor Hilda, Doctor Carter, Doctor Burroughs?
El Doctor miró a los Doctores.
The Doctor glanced at the Doctors.
—De vacaciones, doctor. Doctor.
“On vacation, Doctor.” Doctor.
«Sí doctor (Yassuh, médico), no doctor, seguro doctor».
It was, “Yes, doctor (Yassuh, medico), no, doctor, certainly, doctor.”
Doctor doctor Arnold Stacey… Doctor doctor James Drake —dijo Avalon.
Avalon said, "Doctor Doctor Arnold Stacey... Doctor Doctor James Drake."
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