Traduction de "criminales eran" à anglaise
Criminales eran
Exemples de traduction
Y algunos de los grandes criminales eran peritos cuando aún usaban pantalones cortos.
And some of our great criminals were topflight operators before they got out of short pants and pinafores.
Me educaron para creer que los criminales eran demasiado débiles para vivir honradamente.
I was raised to believe that criminals... criminals were too weak, too weak to make it honestly.
Muchos criminales eran perdonados.
Many criminals were pardoned.
Teníamos crimen pero los criminales eran agradables.
We had crime, but the criminals were nice.
De acuerdo a él. Los criminales eran tres jóvenes.
According to him criminals were three young men
los criminales eran para él un libro abierto.
and criminals were an open book to him.
Las verdaderas criminales eran las Janice Coates de este mundo.
The real criminals were the Janice Coates types.
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