Traduction de "corto de vista" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Los Recolectores eran cortos de vista;
Gleaners were nearsighted;
Queen nos pareció grandemente corto de vista».
Queen and myself, very nearsighted.
Era corta de vista y usaba lentes de contacto.
She was nearsighted and wore soft contacts.
No llevaba gafas pero evidentemente era corta de vista;
She didn't wear glasses but was obviously nearsighted;
Era muy corta de vista, pero se negaba a usar gafas.
She was very nearsighted but refused to wear glasses.
Comprendí que debía de ser bastante corto de vista.
I realized he must be quite nearsighted.
Y ojos de roedor, como los que poseen algunas personas muy cortas de vista.
He had the rodent's eyes of someone very nearsighted.
Era muy corto de vista y había perdido las gafas durante la tormenta.
He was very nearsighted and had lost his last pair of spectacles in the storm.
—Y un poco corto de vista —matizó Alex.
“And very short-sighted,” Alex cut in.
Eran tontos, cortos de vista y turbulentos.
They were silly, short-sighted, and disorderly;
Era corta de vista, pero no llevaba gafas.
She was short-sighted but she would not wear glasses.
Su mirada era ligeramente escrutadora, como si fuera corta de vista.
She peered slightly, as if she was short-sighted.
—¿No es un poco anémico y corto de vista? —preguntó Ana.
‘Isn’t he rather anaemic and short-sighted?’ asked Anne.
Él también es corto de vista y os está mirando a través de su esmeralda.
He, too, has short sight, and is looking at thee through an emerald.
—Pero aunque sea corto de vista, podrá realizar tareas en tierra o…
But even if you are short sighted, there must be naval work ashore, or...
—Te estás volviendo muy corto de vista para ese puesto, amigo mío —dijo el sacerdote—.
"You are getting too short-sighted for that job, my friend," the priest called.
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