Traduction de "confundir con" à anglaise
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No obstante, no podemos confundir las cosas.
But we cannot confuse the issues.
No se ha de confundir retórica con progresos.
Rhetoric must not be confused with progress.
Sin embargo, no hay que confundir necesidad y suficiencia.
Yet it was important not to confuse need with sufficiency.
Pero no debemos confundir la cuestión.
But we should not confuse the issue.
Es importante no confundir ambos.
It was important not to confuse the two.
Ambas son diferentes y no se debieran confundir.
The two were different and should not be confused.
No obstante, estos dos conceptos no se deben confundir.
But peacebuilding should not be confused with peacekeeping.
Pero es preciso no confundir la cooperación con el conformismo.
But cooperation must not be confused with conformity.
- No confundir comunicación con información.
- Do not confuse communication and information.
No hay que confundir aborto y contracepción.
Abortion should not be confused with contraception.
Ella me ha debido confundir con otra persona.
She has me confused with someone else.
No confundir con topografía.
And not to be confused with topography.
No es necesario confundir con "teorías".
Don't need confusing with any "theories".
Me debes confundir con otra persona.
You must have me confused with someone else.
Se lo podría confundir con cualquier otro paraguas, ¿no?
It could be confused with any other umbrella.
Que no se debe confundir con Gonzo el Magnífico...
Not to be confused with Gonzo the Great...
¿Acaso pretendéis confundiros con la esposa de un vulgar posadero?
To get confused with a host's wife!
No confundir con Alf, Alf.
Not to be confused with Alf, Alf.
Me debes confundir con alguien más.
He's got me confused with someone else.
Agnes se debió confundir con otra persona.
Agnes must be confused with someone.
Es fácil confundir a un testigo, pero es difícil confundir a una computadora.
It is easy to confuse a live witness, but it is difficult to confuse a computer.
Esto confundirá al pueblo.
This will confuse the people.
Para confundir al público.
Confusing to the public.
Confundirá a Kitty. —¿Cómo que la confundirá? —dice él, frunciendo el ceño.
It’s confusing to Kitty.” Frowning, he says, “How is it confusing to Kitty?”
Confundir a Roy… ¿por qué no?
Confuse Roy—why not?
No te dejes confundir.
Don't get yourself confused."
No se deje confundir.
Don’t let them confuse you.
Esto pareció confundir al Bárcida.
This seemed to confuse the Barca.
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