Traduction de "clavarlo" à anglaise
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Clavarle las manos a una tabla y obligarla a andar de ese modo durante un día entero.
18. Nailing the victim's two hands to a board with a hammer and forcing the victim to walk around like that for a whole day.
será más fácil clavarle en la cruz.
I said, “so much easier to nail to the cross.
El nilfgaardiano se inclinó para clavarlo a la tierra.
The Nilfgaardian stooped to nail him to the ground.
A usted sí que deberían clavarlo en una cruz.
You should be nailed up on a cross yourself.
Clavarlo en la pared con la vaina de tu cuchillo.
You nailed it to the wall with your sheath knife.
Al clavarlo teníamos los ojos bien abiertos:
We nailed him there with our eyes wide open—
Cash iba a clavarla, pero usted lo ha visto.
Cash is fixing to nail her, but you seen it.
Quiere despellejarla y clavarla en su pared.
He wants the Parker woman’s hide nailed up on his wall.”
—Deberías clavarlo al tronco de un árbol —dijo Caroline—.
“You should nail it to a tree,” Caroline said.
¿Iban a perpetrar la horrible atrocidad de clavarla a la cruz?
Were they going to perpetrate the horrible atrocity of nailing her to the cross?
Si este enredo era culpa del timador, iba a clavarlo a la pared.
If this mess was the con man’s fault, he was going to nail him to the wall.
—Lo que busca —le dije a Etelfleda— es acabar con vuestro dios y clavarlo de nuevo en un madero.
‘What she wants,’ I told Æthelflaed, ‘is to take your god and nail him back to his tree.’
Oyó martillazos: toc-toc-toc: cada golpe de martillo amenazaba con clavarlo en la Tierra de las Sombras.
    Sounds of hammering came to him: tock-tock-tock: each blow of the hammer threatened to nail him into Shadowland.
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