Traduction de "cegué" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Me cegue yo mismo.
I blinded myself.
Me cegué, me cogieron.
I was blinded, I was caught.
Al principio me cegué.
At first I was blind to it.
Lo sé, yo lo cegué.
I know, I blinded him.
Le lancé spray, le cegué.
I sprayed him, I blinded him!
¡No, yo no le cegué!
No, I did not blind him!
Me cegué histéricamente.
I went hysterically blind.
Me cegué con su homosexualidad.
I was blinded by gay.
- Lo cegué y no pudo correr.
- I blinded him and he couldn't run.
Joy, creo que lo cegué.
Joy, I think I blinded him.
Que me cegué a mí mismo ".
That I blinded myself.
La cegué con mi encanto.
I blinded her with my charm.
Oculté mi propio poder y lo cegué con el suyo.
I hid my own power and made him blind with his.
Me cegué en aquel catre de metal de Bridewell, que no había sido hecho para dos.
I blinded myself to the Bridewell metal cot, not meant for two.
Me cegué por mi propio encaprichamiento con su belleza, con mi propia culpa y por tanto no lo veía.
I was blinded by my own infatuation with her beauty, with my own guilt, so I didn't see it.
Pero tenía tantos deseos de creer que me amaba por mí misma, que deliberadamente me cegué y me metí en esto.
But I wanted so hard to believe that he loved me for myself, I deliberately blinded myself and rushed right in.
Me concentré tanto en mantener alta mi guardia, que casi me cegué a lo que estaba sucediendo a mi alrededor.
I concentrated so much on keeping my guard up that I sort of blinded myself to what was going on around me.
Porque los ciegos y los mudos no son asesinados: se los deja solos en la naturaleza para que mueran cuando lo deciden los dioses. —Así que por eso… —Me cegué —añadió Kuuth—.
However, the blind and the mute are not to be killed—they are left alone in the wilderness to die, as they are marked by the gods.” “So you . . .” “Blinded myself,” Kuuth said.
Le di un buen golpe en la cara con la cabeza y lo cegué mientras aullaba como una bestia herida.
I dealt him one fine blow to the face with the crown of my head and blinded him as he howled like a wounded beast.
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