Traduction de "casi legendario" à anglaise
Casi legendario
Exemples de traduction
Su apetito por todo lo de Rambaldi es casi legendario.
Your appetite for all things Rambaldi is almost legendary.
Algunos de ellos tuvieron tanto éxito que sus nombres son casi legendarios.
Some succeeded so well that their names are almost legendary.
En los viejos tiempos, su capacidad para el Brivari era casi legendaria.
In the old days, his capacity for Brivari was almost legendary.
Es una sustancia casi legendaria para los cazadores de sombras.
It’s an almost legendary substance for Shadowhunters.
Estaba en un lugar casi legendario, en el que solamente podían residir unos pocos elegidos.
It was an almost legendary place where only a chosen few visited.
Algo acerca de un juego y yo acosando a un hombre y destruyendo un autocontrol casi legendario.
Something about a game and my baiting a man and shattering an almost legendary self-control.
Resultaba extrañamente humillante escuchar esas proezas cantadas como si fuesen nobles y casi legendarias.
It was strangely humiliating to hear those deeds sung of as noble and now almost legendary.
y Dol también encontraría una buena vida allá, siendo una actriz joven y casi legendaria.
and Dol, too, would certainly find a good living there, being an almost-legendary child actress.
Casi había olvidado a su padre, a quien pronto había de considerar parte de un pasado casi legendario.
He had almost forgotten his father, whom he would soon come to regard as belonging to an almost legendary past.
Los ojos del muchacho brillaban de admiración viendo en Ari al jefe casi legendario de «las Fieras». —Shalom, Dov.
The young man’s eyes brimmed with admiration, seeing Ari as the almost legendary leader of “the Beasts.” “Shalom, Dov.
Aunque llevaba el peso de su autoridad sin problemas, era un hombre de éxitos casi legendarios, y los invitados eran claramente conscientes de ello.
Although he wore his authority comfortably, he was a man of almost legendary accomplishments, and the guests were clearly in awe of him.
Resultaba extraño, sin embargo, que quienquiera que hubiese manipulado en su cerebro no hubiera deseado que supiera que el casi legendario Lavoisseur seguía estando vivo.
It seemed odd, though, that whoever had tampered with his mind had not wanted him to know that the almost legendary Lavoisseur was still alive.
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