Traduction de "casándolas" à anglaise
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by marrying
Las malas lenguas comentaban que todos habían sido rechazados porque su ambicioso padre esperaba ascender en la escala social casándola con un príncipe.
Gossip had it that they had all been rejected because her ambitious father wanted to climb a couple of rungs of the social ladder by marrying her to a prince.
Era un niño engreído y furibundo cuando Isabel Woodville lo tomó como pupilo y lo humilló casándolo con su hermana, y ahora, cuando aún no ha cumplido los treinta, es un hombre engreído y furibundo que ha decidido vengarse de un mundo que, según su mentalidad, jamás le ha mostrado suficiente respeto.
He was a vain, furious boy when Elizabeth Woodville took him as her ward and humiliated him by marrying him to her sister, and now he is a vain, furious man, not yet thirty years old, taking his revenge on a world that has never, in his mind, shown him enough respect.
Esta razón invocaba la señora Concepción poseída de una suerte de voraz locura en la que se mezclaban épocas pasadas y por venir, reforma agraria y explosión urbana, lugar de la herencia y voluntad de empezar de nuevo, sexo maduro y sexo infantil: se impuso a su hijo porque en el fondo deseaba a su hijo y quería castrarlo casándolo con una niña impúber, incapaz de dar o recibir satisfacción… —Nomás por fastidiar…
This reasoning was invoked by Señora Concepción, who was possessed by a kind of ravening madness in which past and future times, agrarian reform and the urban explosion, the place of inheritance and the will to begin again, mature sex and infantile sex were all mixed together: She imposed herself on her son because at heart she desired her son and wanted to castrate him by marrying him to a prepubescent child, incapable of giving or receiving satisfaction … Just to annoy …
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