Traduction de "camino al mercado" à anglaise
Camino al mercado
Exemples de traduction
Sí, es la manada de Campbell de camino al mercado.
Yes, that's Campbell's trail herd on the way to market.
Si espero mucho tiempo, se pudre camino al mercado.
If I leave it on the stock too long, it rots on the way to market.
Justo estamos en camino al mercado.
We're just on our way to market.
Emboscando a nuestros convoyes en camino al mercado?
Ambushing our convoys on the way to market?
He tenido pensamientos hacia Solonius, que discutiremos camino al mercado.
I have had thoughts toward Solonius. I would discuss on the way to market.
Lo habían atrapado camino del mercado.
He had been picked up in the street on the way to market.
Sería monsieur Quillian de camino al mercado con sus flores.
That would be Monsieur Quillian on his way to market with his flowers.
Se presentaron temprano, tan temprano como las barcas de verduras de camino al mercado.
They came early, as early as the vegetable boats on their way to market.
Ataban a los esclavos de pies y manos como si fuesen gallinas camino del mercado, para que no se suicidasen.
They tied the slaves' hands and feet together, like chickens on the way to market, so they could not kill themselves.
Había doscientos deportados a bordo, hacinados en la bodega como si fueran cerdos camino del mercado.
There were two hundred transportees on that ship, packed into the hold like so many fat hogs on their way to market.
«Ojalá encontrara una sirvienta como ésa», pensó una próspera ama de casa de camino al mercado.
“I wish I could find a maid like that,” thought a prosperous Brooklyn housewife on her way to market.
Por todas partes había gente: unos barrían a la puerta de sus casas mientras otros partían camino al mercado o al trabajo.
Several other people milled about in Irini Street, some sweeping their front doorsteps, others on their way to market or to their work.
Los hombres le cerraron la portezuela en la cara y empezaron a maniobrar. El ataúd sobresalía del maletero como un cajón de frutas camino del mercado.
They slammed the door in her face and drove up the road, the coffin poking out of the boot, like a box of fruit on the way to market.
Detrás de los camiones avanzaba una interminable hilera de tractores para los poseedores corrientes de vales, y en los que la gente iba como reses camino del mercado.
Behind the trucks was an endless line of tractors for the regular ticket holders, on which people were packed like livestock on the way to market.
Vi personas que caminaban por los bosques frescos y amarillos y campesinos que, de camino al mercado, se habían detenido junto a la vía férrea para lavar las verduras en el agua de la zanja… que estaba sucia.
I saw people walking through the cool, yellow woods, and farmers on their way to market who had stopped near the railway to wash their vegetables in the ditch water—which was foul.
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