Traduction de "cae hacia atrás" à anglaise
Cae hacia atrás
Exemples de traduction
El hombre chilla y cae hacia atrás;
The man screams and falls back;
El sicario cae hacia atrás soltando su arma.
The sicario falls back, dropping his gun.
Obliga a Leonie a incorporarse y la cabeza le cae hacia atrás.
He hoists Leonie up and her head falls back.
El gran felino cae hacia atrás sobre las rocas, meneando la cola.
The big cat falls back onto the rocks, tail lashing.
Le hacen beber un poco de agua y cae hacia atrás en sus frías sábanas.
They make him drink some water and he falls back into his cold sheets.
Cae hacia atrás en su almohada empapada de sudor, oliendo a bilis, y cierra los ojos para cabalgar en las olas de su visión.
He falls back onto his sweat-soaked, bile-smelling pillow and closes his eyes to ride the waves of his seeing.
el sombrero cae hacia atrás y en lugar de las rayas de luz aparecen penachos de ramas brillantes inmóviles, sobre los que la claridad resbala;
His hat falls back and, instead of the thin rays of light, what appears there are tufts of bright, motionless branches, and the light sliding over them.
Si estuviera en el exterior podría verlo, enfrentarse a ello: el barco que se levanta, empuja hacia delante y se cae hacia atrás entre dos altas paredes de agua negra. ¿Temía morir?
If he were outside he could see it, brave it: the ship rising, pitching forward, and falling back between two high walls of black water. Was he afraid to die?
Por falta de peluquero, primero ha crecido, como dije, derecho hacia el cielo y ahora siempre más largo, cae hacia atrás, introduciendo en su fisonomía la curva que le faltaba.
For want of a barber, it had at first grown straight upward, as I have already said, as though reaching for the sky. But now, having grown longer still, it was falling back away from his forehead, introducing a curve into his features that they had always lacked before.
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