Traduction de "barba afeitada" à anglaise
Barba afeitada
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La barba afeitada se le notaba bajo el maquillaje y sus facciones eran finas, de proporciones casi perfectas. —Somos hermanas —respondió Yvonne—.
His shaved beard showed through his makeup, and his features were fine, almost perfect in their proportions. “We are sisters,” Yvonne answered.
Su cremosa piel era perfecta, pero la maravilla era la densa sombra de su barba afeitada y el oscuro pelo algodonoso del pecho, los brazos y las piernas, así como el espeso vello púbico que rodeaba su verga hinchada.
His skin was creamy and flawless, but the marvel was the thick shadow of his shaved beard and the dark fleecy hair on his chest, his arms and legs, and the thick boiling pubic hair that surrounded his swollen cock. And what a cock.
shaven beard
El anciano frotó mi barba afeitada y emitió un sonido de desagrado.
The elderly man rubbed my shaven beard and made a sound of revulsion.
Entonces, levantó la vista despacio y vio la sombra de la barba afeitada que le oscurecía el rostro y la garganta.
And then looking up slowly, he saw the shadow of the Maestro’s shaven beard darkening face and throat.
La cara redonda del conde tenía una seriedad obsesiva, sus brillantes rizos negros le daban un aire semita y la barba afeitada formaba una auténtica corteza en su barbilla.
The Count’s round face had a maniacal seriousness to it, his glossy black curls making him look Semitic, his heavy shaven beard a veritable crust on his chin.
Sin embargo, aquella máscara de carne sobre la nariz y la cara se adivinaba tan suave que – 480 -Tonio la sentía entre sus dedos, y aquella barba afeitada parecía tan áspera que debía incluso cortar.
And yet that mask of flesh over his nose and face was so smooth Tonio could feel it beneath his fingers. That shaven beard was so coarse it would actually cut.
Llevaba un reloj barato de níquel colgado de un tirante de cuero sin curtir, ennegrecido y suavizado por los años, y su barba afeitada se marcaba especialmente desde las comisuras de los labios hasta la barbilla; siempre daba la impresión de estar mascando tabaco con la boca abierta.
A cheap nickel watch was attached to his suspender loop by a length of rawhide lace leather worn black and soft with age, and his shaven beard was heaviest from the corners of his mouth to his chin: he looked always as though he were chewing tobacco with his mouth open.
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