Traduction de "atención cortés" à anglaise
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En su rostro se pintaría una expresión reservada, casi inescrutable, que tan sólo revelaría una atención cortés.
Her face would be smooth, giving away little, showing nothing but polite attention.
Cuando contestó, su voz era inexpresiva, con un tono de atención cortés, y no lo miró hasta terminar.
But when she replied her voice was colourless, with just the proper note of polite attention, and she did not look up at him until she had finished.
Laurent las observó con una atención cortés que posiblemente ocultaba una atención real, pues le vendría bien familiarizarse con las técnicas de combate akielenses.
Laurent watched with polite attention, and underneath that, possibly real attention, as it would suit him to catalogue Akielon fighting techniques.
Por el contrario, el ajedrecista miraba al anticuario con una especie de atención cortés, como si, en el curso de un diálogo convencional, aguardase la réplica de un interlocutor respetable.
On the contrary, he was looking at Cesar with a kind of polite attention, as if, in the course of a perfectly normal dialogue, he was awaiting the response of a worthy conversational partner.
Bajó la mirada, y vio que Jennifer, bajo su expresión de atención cortés, dibujaba discretamente con un portaminas, en el reverso del programa, un pequeño y diestro boceto del profesor Dupont.
He looked down, and saw that Jennifer, beneath her own air of polite attention, was discreetly drawing on the back of the service card with a propelling pencil: an expert little sketch of Professor Dupont.
A Laurence le resultaba casi dolorosamente obvio que Sun Kai no acogía con agrado aquellos intentos: su rostro no mostraba ninguna emoción cuando Hammond se acercaba o se marchaba. No había sonrisas ni ceños fruncidos, sólo una atención cortés.
Hammond, undaunted, had already made a few overtures, which were received with courtesy but no warmth, and to Laurence it seemed almost painfully obvious that Sun Kai was not welcoming: not the least change of emotion showed on his face at Hammond’s approach or departure, no smiles, no frowns, only a controlled, polite attention.
Honorarios razonables y atención cortés.
Reasonable fees and courteous attention.
Sola y sin amigos, aceptó su atención cortés;
Lonely and friendless, she welcomed his courteous attention;
La entrevista no había pasado de la amable ceremonia de siempre, la toma de contacto para observar las características del enfermo y sus reacciones, pero había bastado que el muchacho se enderezara en la cama y le tendiera una mano huesuda, y que después la escuchara hablar con una atención cortés, para que su semejanza con Juan se hiciera evidente, antes que esa tarde volviera a verlo ya desnudo en la sala de operaciones y que él, reconociéndola, viéndola inclinarse a su lado para prepararle el brazo, le sonriera con la misma sonrisa un poco crispada de Juan y le dijera: «Hasta luego», no más que eso antes de la ráfaga negra del pentotal, sin las estúpidas frases de tantos otros que buscaban disimular el miedo con un aburrido «trataré de soñar con usted» o sus variantes.
The interview hadn’t gone beyond the usual friendly ceremony, the making of contact in order to observe the patient’s characteristics and his reactions, but all that had been necessary was for the boy to straighten up in bed and stretch out a bony hand to her and then for him to listen to her with courteous attention, and his resemblance to Juan became obvious, before she would see him again that afternoon naked in the operating room and he, recognizing her, seeing her lean over him to prepare his arm, smiled at her with Juan’s same slightly curved smile and said to her: “See you later,” only that before the black surge of the pentothal, without the stupid phrases of so many others who tried to conceal their fear with “I’ll try to dream about you” or its variations.
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