Traduction de "arrope" à anglaise
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La Tierra alimenta a las personas, los arropa ... y les provee de sus necesidades diarias.
The Earth feeds people, clothes them... and provides for their daily needs.
Se supone que alimento y arropo a 150 hombres con mis manos desnudas.
I'm supposed to feed and clothe 150 men with my bare hands.
Lo arropó y lo subió a su burro... lo llevó al mejor hotel, el Jerusalem Hilton.
He wrapped him up in his clothes, he helped him onto his donkey and whisked him off to the best hotel - the Jerusalem Hilton.
Ella se tendió en la cama, vestida, y Coyote la arropó con una manta—.
She lay down on a bed, in her clothes. Coyote pulled a blanket over her.
Lo introduje en su cuarto, lo desnudé y lo arropé a conciencia, con calzoncillos largos y todo.
I helped him to his room, pulled off his clothes, and covered him up, long underwear and all.
Le llevó a su cuarto, le puso el pijama y le arropó tiernamente en su camita, bajo la mirada de la asistenta.
She carried him to his room, changed his clothes, and slipped him gently into bed as one of the counselors watched.
Permaneció silenciosa mientras la despojaba de sus mojadas ropas, las fue colgando sobre las sillas y arropó a Scarlett en la cama.
She was silent while she stripped off the wet clothes and hung them over chairs and tucked Scarlett into bed.
Ella le acaricia el pelo cuando se duerme en el sofá y él se deja hacer, luego yo lo llevo en brazos a la cama y lo arropo.
She strokes his hair when he falls asleep on the sofa, and he lets her, later I carry him to bed and change his clothes.
Peter arrancó los jirones empapados de su ropa y Magda lo arropó en una manta de lana de Angora antes de examinar su herida en el interior iluminado del coche.
Peter stripped off the torn and sodden remains of his clothing and Magda wrapped him in the Angora wool travel rug before examining his wound under the interior light of the cab.
Después llené la bañera de agua muy caliente, le quité el vestido y la ropa interior arrojando todo directamente al cesto de la ropa sucia. La lavé con jabón, la sequé con una toalla gruesa y la arropé con una bata de franela.
Then I ran a hot bath, took off her clothes and put them straight in the laundry basket, soaped and rinsed her, dried her in a thick bath towel and wrapped her in a warm dressing gown.
–Tápame con tu piel -le pidió Sayonara al Payanés, y él se extendió y la arropó y se hizo más suyo que su propia piel y la cubrió con su pecho, ese pecho ajeno que en el instante sencillo de un milagro se hizo tan cercano. Y tan acogedor.
“Cover me with your skin,” Sayonara asked Payanés, and he spread over her and clothed her and made himself more hers than her own skin, and he blanketed her with his chest, that foreign chest, which in a simple, miraculous instant made itself so familiar. And so comforting.
Jasmine cambió rápidamente su ropa por la de la sirvienta y se cubrió el pelo con la áspera cofia de lino. Luego tendió a Meg sobre la cama y la arropó lo suficiente como para ocultar su identidad en caso de que alguien abriera la puerta y echara un vistazo superficial al interior de la cámara.
Jasmine quickly changed into the servant girl’s clothes, covering her hair with the rough linen coif, then she lay Meg in the bed and pulled the covers high to conceal her identity from a casual glance if someone opened the chamber door.
Cuando llegó el límite de su cansancio y de su reducida capacidad de cirujano, Arnaud entablilló y vendó, y entonces sí, pero no antes, abrazó a Alicia, besó a sus hijos, se quitó la ropa escasa y empapada que aún le quedaba encima y se arropó con un pesado mantel de encaje de bolillo de Brujas que su mujer había protegido entre el baúl.
When Arnaud had reached his outer limits of alertness and of his modest resources as a surgeon, he made splints and bandages, and not until then did he embrace Alicia, kiss his children, take off whatever was left of his soaked clothes, and cover himself with the heavy tablecloth with bobbin lace from Bruges that his wife had saved in her trunk.
Joe la arropa.
Joe tucks her in.
Vamos, te arropo.
Come on, I'll tuck you.
¿Te arropa, Ronnie?
Does she tuck you in, Ronnie?
La azafata la arropa.
- The stewardess tucks her in.
- ...y te arropo?
- Then I'll tuck you in.
Yo te arropo.
I'll tuck you in.
Arropa a la señorita.
Tuck the lady in.
Al siempre me arropa.
-Al always tucks me in.
Seguro que los arropa.
Probably tucks them in.
-¿ Quién los arropa?
-Who tucks you up?
El Capitán la arropa.
The Captain tucks her in.
La arropó como a una niña.
She tucked her in as if she were a child.
Lucy me arropó en el sofá.
Lucy tucked me into the sofa.
—¿Me permites que te arrope en la cama?
“Can't I tuck you into bed?"
Lib la arropó con las mantas.
Lib tucked the loosening blankets around her.
—le pregunto mientras lo arropo.
I ask him, as I tuck him up.
Elsa arropó a Ant y se sentó con él.
Elsa tucked Ant in bed and sat with him.
Me acompañó a la cama y me arropó.
He took off my robe and led me to the bed, tucking me in.
La limpió suavemente con una toalla y la arropó.
He dried her gently with a towel, and tucked her into bed.
Jack arropó a la niña dentro de su camisa.
Jack tucked the baby inside his shirt.
Déjeme que te arrope
Let me cover you.
Se acostó y se arropó.
He got into bed and pulled the covers up.
Pero él no se arropó con este abrigo.
But he did not hug the covers about him.
Él la arropó hasta la barbilla.
He drew them up and covered her to the chin.
Arropo cuidadosamente a Baba.
He covered Baba carefully.
Me tumba en la cama y me arropa.
He lays me down on the bed and covers me.
La arropó con cuidado para que no se enfriara.
Carefully he covered her, lest she get cold.
—Chris la besó y la arropó.
"You nut." Chris kissed her and pulled up her covers.
Y la complicada historia que la arropó cuando estuvo en Europa.
This elaborate cover story you had in Europe.
Me arropé y me acurruqué debajo del árbol.
I covered up and huddled under the tree.
Tía Margaret arropó a Victoria y permaneció a su lado largo rato, como si hubiera querido cantarle una canción de cuna.
Aunt Margaret tucked up Victoria and hung over the cot for a long minute as though she would have liked to sing her a lullaby.
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