Traduction de "apodaban" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Otro agente de policía, Byron Stanley Alfaro Traña, quien se habría reunido en varias oportunidades con el juez durante el proceso, declaró que otro informante anónimo, de quien sólo recordaba que le apodaban "El Diablito", había asegurado haber visto a Puracal reunido con otro coacusado en la oficina de RE/MAX de San Juan del Sur.
Another police officer, Byron Stanley Alfaro Traña, who apparently met with the judge on several occasions during the trial, stated that another informant, about whom he remembered nothing except that his nickname was "El Diablito", had claimed to have seen Mr. Puracal meet with another co-defendant in the RE/MAX office in San Juan del Sur.
Se llamaba Francis Gaignard y lo apodaban Six-Sous.
His name was Francis Gaignard, nicknamed Six-Sous.
A mí me apodaban Babe.
My nickname was Babe.
Los marines lo apodaban "castigo corporal"
Leathernecks nicknamed him "Corporal Punishment."
Lo apodaban "el Fantasías".
- We nicknamed him "Fantasias".
Excepto por un chico que lo apodaban Jackie Chan, pero eso fue por las cosas que hice... olvidalo.
Except I did see this one guy that nicknamed me Jackie Chan, but that was because of this thing I did, and it--never mind.
Lo apodaban El Maestro del Espejo.
Nicknamed Mirror Master.
Lo apodaban Pearl.
His name was Earl Monroe and his nickname was "The Pearl".
A Elvin Bishop lo apodaban Pigboy Crabshaw.
Elvin Bishop's nickname was Pigboy Crabshaw.
Se dedicaba a la elaboración de tintes, le apodaban "El rey del tinte".
His business was making dye, with a nickname The King of Dye
la apodaban Florence Nightinghell*.
she was nicknamed Florence Nightinghell.
Lo apodaban «el montículo de arroz».
It's nickname was "The Rice Mound."
Tenía dientes de conejo y le apodaban Bunny.
He was rabbit-toothed and was nicknamed Bunny.
¿Sabe cómo se apodaban a sí mismos?
You know what they nicknamed themselves?
Sin que él lo supiera, le apodaban «la nube de humo».
His nickname, unknown to him, was “the Cloud of Smoke.”
Algunos de sus coetáneos lo apodaban Maestro Sípero.
Some of his contemporaries nicknamed him ‘Master Yesbut’.
Los apodaban los borrachos, porque se tambaleaban por doquier sin coordinación muscular.
They were nicknamed the drunkards because they staggered around without muscular coordination.
La apodaban «bloqueador de carreteras» porque era eficaz contra vehículos de chapa delgada.
It was nicknamed The Roadblocker because it was effective against soft-skinned vehicles.
Seguí los rumores hasta un pequeño pueblo de Moca en Puerto Rico donde los lugareños lo apodaban el vampiro de Moca.
"I followed the rumors to a small town "of moca in Puerto Rico "where the locals had dubbed it el vampiro de moca.
El Ministerio de los Atizadores Candentes, como algunos chistosos apodaban aquel gabinete.
The Ministry of Red Hot Pokers, as certain wits dubbed the office.
Los que habían preparado las listas ya los apodaban Hombres del Rey y Hombres de la Reina, respectivamente.
Those who had prepared the lists already dubbed them King’s Men and Queen’s Men.
Nuestros vecinos alemanes presuntamente la apodaban «la calle de las espuelas», porque aquella era la única forma de persuadir a un caballo para que llevara a cabo el ascenso.
Our German neighbors presumably dubbed it Spur Street because that was the only way you could persuade a horse to make the climb.
Un par de hombres del equipo de impuestos, Runmust Singh y un Habitante de las Sombras al que sus compañeros de equipo apodaban Kendo Cutter, se autoinvitaron a la reunión de personal.
A couple of men from the duty crew, Runmust Singh and a Shadowlander dubbed Kendo Cutter by his squad mates, invited themselves into the staff meeting.
Las dos fechas se hallaban separadas tan sólo por un periodo intermitente, que las chicas de último curso sin novio apodaban «la temporada de caza», pero que el resto del instituto conocía como la primavera.
The two were separated only by an intermittent period that unattached senior girls dubbed “hunting season” but the rest of the school knew as spring.
Los niños —los cincuenta o así que tenía a su cargo— vivían en un edificio de ventanas abiertas que todos apodaban «el Nido», debido a las intrincadas tallas de aves que decoraban la mayoría de las paredes.
The children—the fifty or so of them beneath her care—stayed in an open-windowed building dubbed the Roost because of the intricate carvings of birds on most of its walls.
Había clases diarias de arte y filosofía, actuaciones musicales casi todas las noches en el barracón 112, al que apodaban el Luftclub, y un teatro que contaba con su propia compañía.
There were daily classes in art and philosophy, musical performances almost nightly in Hut 112, which had been dubbed The Luftclub, and a theater with its own regular troupe. It was currently performing The
El Toro me dijo con orgullo mezclado de envidia que los informadores de Texas me apodaban el Espectro, que era declarado «enemigo público número uno de la República», y que los guardias juraban clavar mi piel en la puerta de mi granero (lo que esperaba fuera hipotético), al lado de las de Bonny and Clyde, quienesquiera que fuesen éstos.
El Toro told me, with mixed pride and envy, that Texas newsmen have dubbed me The Specter and that I have been declared Public Enemy Number One of the Republic. The Rangers have sworn to nail my hide to a bam door, which I hope is hypothetical, alongside those of Clyde and Bonnie, whoever they be or have been.
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