Traduction de "anillos de oro" à anglaise
Anillos de oro
Exemples de traduction
A las 9.00 horas, Basil Abdu ash-Shaij declaró ante el administrador de Al-Muhadra que, a las 4.00 horas, cuatro encapuchados armados con una pistola militar, una granada de mano, una espada y un serrucho entraron en su casa de Al-Muhadra y le robaron 300.000 libras sirias, un anillo de oro y dos teléfonos celulares.
96. At 0900 hours, Basil Abdu al-Sheikh alleged to the administrator of Muhradah that, at 0400 hours, four masked persons armed with a military pistol, a hand grenade, a sword and a wood saw entered his home in Muhradah and stole 300,000 Syrian pounds, a gold ring and two mobile telephones.
—Llévale este anillo de oro.
Take him this gold ring.
No llevaba ningún anillo de oro.
There was no gold ring anywhere.
—Y le mostró su anillo de oro—.
She flashed her gold ring at him.
—Tengo este anillo de oro —dice.
“I have this gold ring,” she says.
le quitaron el anillo de oro de su mano.
The gold ring of her hand was removed.
Llevas el anillo de oro de los nobles.
You wear the gold ring of the knights.
—Era el anillo de oro que le había regalado Brad.
It was the gold ring Brad gave her.
Pedazo de anillo de oro en el meñique.
A thick gold ring on his pinkie.
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