Traduction de "anestesiada" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
La persona, que recibía tratamiento en un hospital de salud mental, fue anestesiada durante un procedimiento odontológico debido a su estado mental.
The person, who was being treated in a mental hospital, was anesthetized during dental care because of his mental state.
Le ordenaron que levantase la pierna para atarle el tobillo, pese a que señaló que no sentía nada; por lo visto, los guardias de seguridad le movieron y estiraron las piernas anestesiadas para colocarlas donde ellos querían.
Mr. Jayasundaram was ordered to lift his leg so that his ankle could be handcuffed, despite his pleas that he could not feel anything; the security guards reportedly pushed and pulled his anesthetized legs into place.
¿El paciente está anestesiado?
Is the patient under anesthetic?
Pero sus pacientes estarían anestesiados.
But your patients would be anesthetized.
El animal no está anestesiado.
This puppy isn't given any anesthetic.
Está localmente anestesiada.
It is locally anesthetized.
Pero ya está anestesiado
- But he's already anesthetized
Anestesiada localmente, tal vez.
Locally anesthetized, maybe.
Sí. Sólo está anestesiada.
Yes, she's only anesthetized.
- No. Mi señora está anestesiada...
My wife's still anesthetized.
Totalmente anestesiado, Doctor.
Fully anesthetized, doctor.
Rápido. Está inconsciente, no anestesiada.
She is unconscious and not anesthetized.
–Estaba dormido… anestesiado.
I was asleep—anesthetized.
Tenía el cuerpo anestesiado.
My body felt anesthetized.
—¿Está anestesiado todavía?
He's under the anesthetic still?
Anestesiada, se quedó dormida.
Anesthetized, Mae fell asleep.
–Bueno, desde luego no está anestesiada.
Well, she's certainly not anesthetized.
El pelotón de los beodos estaba cabalmente anestesiado.
The wino brigade was pretty well anesthetized.
Cuando pensaba en él, estaba como anestesiada, sin ideas, sin emociones.
At the thought of him, she was as if anesthetized—with no ideas, no emotions.
le habían anestesiado con éter etílico puro.
he had been anesthetized with pure ethyl ether.
No obstante, la Corte rechazó los argumentos en el sentido de que la inyección letal creaba un inaceptable riesgo de sufrimiento, en razón de que la combinación de drogas utilizada ocultaba el dolor; que el uso de cloruro de potasio podría causar una muerte increíblemente dolorosa si el reo no estaba correctamente anestesiado, y que había otras drogas disponibles que podrían causar la muerte sin dolor.
However, the Court rejected the arguments that the lethal injection process created an unacceptable risk of suffering due to a drug combination that masked pain; that the use of potassium chloride could cause an incredibly painful death if the prisoner were not properly anaesthetized; and that other drugs were available that would cause a painless death.
:: En algunos casos, las víctimas pueden ser anestesiadas y al despertar encontrar que les han extraído alguno de sus órganos.
In some cases, victims may be put under anaesthetic and wake to find their organ has been removed.
Al menos anestesiados, están quietos.
When they're under anaesthetics at least they're quiet.
. ¿La han anestesiado antes?
You've had anaesthetic before?
Está anestesiado e intubado.
He's anaesthetized and intubated.
El ya ha sido anestesiado.
He has already been anaesthetized.
Anestesiada y todo, sigues siendo dura.
Got anaesthetized and you're still tough.
Aún tiene el rostro anestesiado.
Your face is still anaesthetized.
Walter está anestesiado.
Walter's under anaesthetic.
Nada, estaba apagado, anestesiado.
Nothing, I was out cold, anaesthetized.
Una vez, cuando era niña, la habían anestesiado.
Once, as a child, she had been given anaesthetic.
Poco a poco había anestesiado mis emociones, mis deseos, mis recuerdos, todo.
Little by little I had anaesthetized my emotions, my desires, my memories, everything.
Durante dos semanas, tuve el cerebro anestesiado y me recreé en ello.
For two weeks I had my brain anaesthetized, and I revelled in it.
Ya la han anestesiado, le han rasgado los ojos con el escalpelo: hay que operar inmediatamente.
The anaesthetic already administered, her eyeballs slit open with a scalpel, the doctors must operate immediately.
—Bien —dijo—. Por el momento ya está. Articulaba mal. La anestesia, seguramente; si es que la habían anestesiado.
‘That’s that for the moment.’ There was something slurry about her articulation. The anaesthetic, presumably – if they used any.
Y tenía la cabeza vacía… o más bien era como si mi cabeza se hubiese convertido en una herida inmensa y anestesiada.
And my mind was empty—or it was as though my mind had become one enormous, anaesthetized wound.
Las fresas parecían órganos extirpados quirúrgicamente, recién extraídos por el tajo practicado en un abdomen anestesiado.
The strawberries resembled surgically removed organs freshly lifted from the gash in an anaesthetized belly.
El paciente permanece anestesiado durante la terapia propiamente dicha y la mayor parte presenta una clara mejoría.
‘The patient is under anaesthetic during the actual treatment and the vast majority show striking improvement.’
Además, aquellos largos años de frustración habían dejado anestesiados todos los principios morales que nutrían sus novelas.
Besides, the long years of frustration had anaesthetized those moral principles which so informed his novels.
Fue anestesiado con una pistola hipodérmica y decapitado.
He was anaesthetised with a gun and decapitated.
Hemos anestesiado su colega, Nazim Talawi.
We've anaesthetised your colleague Nazim Talawi.
¡Una vez di toques de balón con un erizo anestesiado!
I once played keepy-uppy with an anaesthetised hedgehog!
James ha sido anestesiado y cubierto y una parte de su cabeza ha sido rapada y untada con un antiséptico para que no lo infectemos.
James has been anaesthetised and draped and part of his head has been shaved and painted with antiseptic so that we don't infect him.
La zona está anestesiada.
The area has been anaesthetised.
Estaba casi anestesiado, con el cuerpo entumecido y curiosamente inerte.
He was almost anaesthetised. His body was numb and felt strangely oddly sluggish.
El doctor Levansky me explicó que la habían anestesiado y que no había sentido ningún dolor.
Dr Levansky explained that she had been anaesthetised and not felt any pain.
seguía comprando en un estado anestesiado de calor y satisfacción, y no tenía forma de adivinar lo que iba a suceder.
They were shopping in anaesthetised warmth and content and they had no way of knowing what was coming.
Hice los exámenes finales en una nube, como si estuviera anestesiado, bajo los efectos de una droga benigna e idiotizante.
I floated through my finals as if I had been anaesthetised with a benign, idiocy-inducing drug.
Sintió que su cerebro y su corazón estaban anestesiados, una sensación idéntica a la de antes de que le saquen un diente.
He had felt as though his mind and heart were anaesthetised, felt exactly as he did before having a tooth extracted.
Luego descubrimos que ella creía que cuando una persona anestesiada volvía en sí, podía convertirse en otra persona.
We found out she thought that when you’d been anaesthetised you could be someone else when you came round.
Parecía como si la presencia del agua lo hubiese anestesiado, encubriendo su verdadero carácter, mostrando sólo el barniz superficial del encanto y la extravagancia.
It was almost as if the presence of the water had anaesthetised him, smothering his true character so that only the surface veneer of charm and moodiness remained.
Explicó que se había localizado en el cerebro anestesiado de gatos y macacos un grupo de células que reaccionaban con gran exactitud a ángulos de incidencia y movimientos precisos de una fuente luminosa.
He spoke of the location in the anaesthetised brains of cats and macaque monkeys of particular sets of cells which appeared to react very precisely to fine angles and movements of light sources.
Por supuesto, era posible en teoría que ella se engañara por completo, que las titilantes gemas y las aglomeraciones de escamas de su nueva corteza fueran destellos febriles de su cerebro anestesiado y su espíritu afligido. Pero no lo creía;
It was of course, theoretically, possible that she was greatly deluded, that the winking gemstones and heaped flakes of her new crust were feverish sparks of her anaesthetised brain and grieving spirit. But she didn’t think so—she refuted herself as Dr.
No le cuesta deducir que Orl y sus compinches han desprogramado a última hora operaciones que tenían concertadas y que su cuñado ha abandonado el quirófano dejando en la mesa a un paciente a punto de ser anestesiado y al equipo plantado sin saber qué hacer.
It isn’t hard for him to work out that Orl and some other colleagues have canceled several scheduled operations and that her brother-in-law’s walked out of the operating theater with the patient still waiting to be anesthetised and half the team standing there. They don’t know what to do.
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