Traduction de "americanos y japoneses" à anglaise
Americanos y japoneses
Exemples de traduction
A Merrick y a Hayes les tocó la tarea de deshacerse de todos los cadáveres, americano y japoneses-americanos.
Merrick and Hayes were given the task of getting rid of all the bodies, both American and Japanese-American.
Y también está el Gobernador, El Arzobispo Y las "cabezas" de algunas Empresas Americanas y japonesas
And so is the governor, the archbishop... and the heads of some American and Japanese companies.
Y en segundo, también atendían autos Europeos además de los modelos americanos y japoneses.
And for another, they were servicing European cars as well as American and Japanese models.
Sin un punto de destino seguro y ante la perspectiva de una invasión inminente de las tropas americanas, los japoneses que guardaban el tesoro se vieron ante un difícil dilema.
With nowhere to go and faced with certain invasion by the avenging Americans, the Japanese guardians of the treasure were in a dilemma.
Tropas americanas y japonesas sostendrían a los checoslovacos en Siberia, y un ejército angloamericano organizaba a los refugiados rusos en Arkangel.
American and Japanese troops were to help the Czecho-Slovaks in Siberia, and American and British troops were to organize the Russian refugees at Archangel in the far north.
Ralph reaccionaba defendiendo que, por muy extrema que fuese la solución atómica, objetivamente había salvado muchas otras vidas (tanto americanas como japonesas) que se habrían perdido de continuar la guerra.
Ralph argued that although the atomic bomb had been an extreme solution, objectively speaking it had saved many more lives (both American and Japanese) that would have been lost had the war continued.
Según los estándares británicos, americanos o japoneses, vamos tirando; sin embargo, según los estándares chinos, tenemos una fortuna, aunque algunos de nuestros compatriotas de la ciudad son más ricos que muchos extranjeros.
We’re just getting by, according to British, American, or Japanese measures, but we have a fortune by Chinese standards, although some of our countrymen in the city are wealthier than many foreigners combined.
Seguía informando a Ruth: «En el mes de julio de 1918, desembarcaron efectivos americanos y japoneses en Vladivostok sin hallar resistencia, y se extendieron a lo largo del Transiberiano, encontrando a los checoslovacos en el lago Baikal.
In the month of July of this year of 1918, the American and Japanese troops had made a landing in Vladivostok, practically unopposed; they had spread along the Trans-Siberian railway, and were policing it, and in fact running it, all the way to Lake Baikal where they had met the Czecho-Slovaks.
Diez mil agentes americanos y japoneses ejecutaban su labor en el departamento de Censura Civil, que vigilaba cada palabra pública y llegó a retirar de muchas imprentas los moldes con los ideogramas correspondientes a bomba atómica y radiactividad.
American and Japanese agents were charged with enforcing them at the Civil Censorship Department, where they scrutinized every public utterance. They even went as far as to confiscate from many presses typefaces bearing the ideograms for atomic bomb and radioactivity .
Más allá de si eran nichos o tumbas comunes, las sepulturas se dividían en diversas categorías: las turísticas como las de Oscar Wilde o Jim Morrison, siempre rodeadas de americanos o japoneses, de cámaras fotográficas y personas sonrientes, las de otros artistas talentosos aunque menos respetadas y, finalmente, las que a mí me interesaban: tumbas de personas desconocidas, profesionistas, amas de casa, comerciantes, empleados como el propio Tom, con cuyos amigos o familiares era posible conversar por momentos breves y luminosos.
As well as being divided into either niches or individual plots, the tombs had many categories: the touristy ones, like Oscar Wilde’s or Jim Morrison’s, always surrounded by Americans or Japanese, cameras, and smiling people; the ones of other talented though less respected artists; and finally, the ones I was interested in: graves of unknown people, professionals, housewives, businessmen, employees like Tom himself, with whose friends or relatives it was possible to talk for a few brief, luminous moments.
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