Traduction de "ambos rieron" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Y ambos rieron ante el absurdo.
They both laughed at that absurdity.
Ambos rieron y se despidieron.
They both laughed and said goodbye.
Ambos rieron y hubo una pausa relajada.
They both laughed. There was a contented pause.
Ambos rieron, pero Boyd no se sorprendió.
They both laughed, but Boyd wasn't surprised.
Ambos rieron y Edward me siguió.
They both laughed, and Edward followed me.
—No —susurró Anna, y ambas rieron.
"No," Anna whispered back, and they both laughed.
—Punzante —completó ella, y ambos rieron.
"'Pouncing.'" she completed, and they both laughed.
Luego, ambos rieron, sabiendo que era mentira.
Then they both laughed, knowing it was a lie.
Ambos rieron de la falta de consideración de sus regalos.
They’d both laughed at the thoughtlessness of their gifts.
Ambos rieron de la falta de consideración de sus regalos.
They’d both laughed at the thoughtlessness of their gifts.
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