Traduction de "algo intangible" à anglaise
Algo intangible
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Exemples de traduction
Esta pregunta reavivó una antigua idea conocida como el vitalismo, la creencia de que la vida consistía en algo más que un cuerpo físico, algo intangible.
This question rekindled an ancient idea known as vitalism, the belief that there was something more to life than a physical body, something intangible.
Y aun así, de todas esas neuronas, algo intangible emerge.
Yet somehow, from all those firings of neurons, something intangible emerges.
Algo intangible, algo inexplicable se ha dado… y recibido.
Something intangible, something inexplicable, was given out—and received.
Dueños de algo intangible, más allá del mero poder o de las riquezas.
Masters of something intangible, beyond mere power or riches.
El valor de Bekter le había hecho ganar algo intangible y sumamente importante.
Bekter’s courage had won him something intangible but important.
Había en Lenore un algo intangible, en aquel último momento, que resultaba sorprendente, obsesionante.
There was something intangible about her that last moment, baffling, haunting.
India tenía la sensación de que Gail buscaba algo intangible y esquivo.
But Gail always gave India the impression that she was looking for something intangible and elusive.
Algo intangible aunque convincente de los e-mails nos dejaba claro que el autor era sincero.
Something intangible yet powerful about those emails convinced us that their author was genuine.
al contrario, le confortaba hallarse perdido en aquella inmensidad, pero algo intangible trataba de adquirir forma en su mente.
indeed, there seemed a comfort in the sense of being lost in such a vastness; but there was something intangible working on his mind.
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