Traduction de "a metros" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Metros cuadrados
Square meters
1 metro cúbico
1 cubic meter
A 300 metros del Centro de Convenciones.
300 meters from the Convention Centre.
(miles de metros cuadrados)
(Thousand square meters)
Antenas de rejilla de 1,2 metros
1.2 meter grid antennas
Las estimaciones se basan en los gastos correspondientes a 32.500 metros cúbicos de carga a razón de 80 dólares por metro cúbico.
The estimate is based on costs for 32,500 cubic meters of freight at the rate of $80 per cubic meter.
Variaban de un metro a metro y medio de longitud.
They varied from a meter to a meter and a half in height.
Tendieron emboscadas y lucharon metro a metro.
They set up ambushes, fought them meter for meter.
La excavadora medía cuatro metros de alto, cinco metros de ancho y diez metros de largo.
The harvester stood four meters tall, five meters wide, and ten meters long.
Estaban a menos de doscientos metros… cien metros
They were within two hundred meters—one hundred meters
Dos metros, cuatro metros, cinco.
Two meters, four meters, five, and she was on the other side.
Tiene un poco menos de un metro de ancho, aproximadamente medio metro de alto, y unos seis metros de largo.
It is a bit less than a meter wide, about half a meter high, and about six meters long.
Era un cubo casi perfecto, de 2 metros de largo por 2 metros de ancho por 2 metros de alto.
It was almost a perfect cube, 2 meters long by 2 meters wide by 2 meters high.
El disco tenía 290 metros de diámetro y 30 metros de grosor.
The disk was 290 meters in diameter and 30 meters thick.
Tiene cinco metros de largo y un metro y medio de ancho, más o menos.
Five meters long, a meter and a half or so wide.
Estaba a un metro o así de distancia. (¿Un metro? Puramente subjetivo.
He was a meter or so from the ship. (A meter? Purely subjective.
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