Exemples de traduction
Soon they turned back and went to the midday meal in the hall of the Burg. The king was already there, and as soon as they entered he called for Merry and had a seat set for him at his side. ‘It is not as I would have it,’ said Théoden; ‘for this is little like my fair house in Edoras. And your friend is gone, who should also be here.
Они повернули назад, чтобы успеть к полуденной трапезе. Завидев их, конунг подозвал Мерри и усадил его рядом. – Здесь, конечно, не то, что в златоверхих чертогах Эдораса, – сказал он. – Да и друга твоего нет с нами, а он бы не помешал.
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