Traduction de "were concern" à italien
Exemples de traduction
From the outset, many families were concerned by how the investigation was being conducted.
Fin dall'inizio, molte famiglie erano preoccupate di come stesse venendo condotta l'indagine.
It was the baby they were concerned with.
Erano preoccupati per il bambino.
His family contacted HPD 'cause they were concerned about his mental state.
La sua famiglia ha contattato la polizia perché erano preoccupato dal suo stato mentale.
The nurses were concerned, and they called me.
Le infermiere erano preoccupate e mi hanno chiamata.
They were concerned... that you might be having some kind of... delusion.
Erano preoccupate... che tu potessi avere una sorta di delirio.
You must have sensed that they were concerned about you.
Avrai percepito che erano preoccupati per te.
They were concerned that there was an "excess of democracy" developing.
Erano preoccupati dal fatto che si stesse sviluppando un "eccesso di democrazia"
The superiors at the Bureau were concerned he was getting paranoid.
I suoi superiori al Bureau erano preoccupati che stesse diventando paranoico.
Those crazy ladies were concerned about me?
Quelle donne pazze erano preoccupate per me?
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