Traduction de "was thought" à italien
Exemples de traduction
Robert Queen was thought dead when...
Si pensava che Robert Queen fosse morto, quando...
During World War II, it was thought the pilots could withstand a max of 18 Gs.
Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Si pensava che i piloti potessero sopportare un massimo di 18 G.
- REPORTER: - But after a bout of ill-health, it was thought he had retired.
- Dopo alcuni problemi di salute, si pensava si fosse ritirato dalle scene.
A place that was thought to exist only in myth.
Un posto che si pensava esistesse solo nel mito.
- The pharaoh was thought to - travel among those stars.
Si pensava che il faraone dovesse viaggiare fra quelle stelle.
It was thought that the ether was able to flow like the wind.
Si pensava che l'etere fosse in grado di scorrere, come il vento.
It was thought that this would happen sooner, but there are difficulties.
Si pensava che questo sarebbe accaduto prima, ma ci sono delle difficoltà.
You were assigned this case, commander, because it was thought you could resolve it quickly and quietly.
Ti è stato assegnato questo caso, comandante, perchè si pensava l'avresti risolto velocemente e silenziosamente.
It was thought to be a giant meteor.
Si pensava fosse una meteora gigante.
The effigy was thought to be lost, disappeared from the British Museum in 1983.
Si pensava che fosse andata perduta, scomparsa dal British Museum nel 1983.
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