Traduction de "was disgusted" à italien
Was disgusted
Exemples de traduction
My father was disgusted by me.
Mio padre era disgustato da me.
When I came back from New York, I was disgusted.
Quando sono tornato da New York, era disgustato.
Cliff was disgusted with himself.
Cliff era disgustato da se' stesso.
Valerie Blunt was disgusted when you slapped me, but she wasn't afraid.
Valerie Blunt era disgustata quando mi hai colpito, ma non spaventata.
Captain Denny was disgusted that I would take my wife to a ball that she had not been invited too.
Il capitano Denny era disgustato dal fatto che portassi mia moglie a un ballo al quale non era stata invitata.
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