Traduction de "resignation in" à italien
Resignation in
Exemples de traduction
And tell her she'll have my resignation in the morning.
E dille che ricevera' le mie dimissione in mattinata.
You'll have my resignation in the morning.
Avrà le mie dimissioni in mattinata.
Yeah, I feel the same way about resigning in disgrace.
Gia', provo la stessa cosa per le mie dimissioni in disgrazia.
My letter of resignation in which I take sole responsibility for the cover-up.
- Le mie dimissioni, in cui mi prendo la totale responsabilita' per l'insabbiamento.
There's not a day goes by when I wouldn't like to throw my resignation in Reacher Gilt's face.
Non c'e' giorno che passi, in cui non vorrei lanciare le mie dimissioni in faccia a Reacher Gilt.
Do we know what prompted her resignation in the first place?
Sappiamo cosa l'ha spinta alle dimissioni in primo luogo?
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