Traduction de "married has" à italien
Exemples de traduction
No couple he's married has ever divorced.
Delle coppie che ha sposato lui, nessuna ha mai divorziato.
Millions of dollars, married, has his fingers in a dozen different pies.
Milioni di dollari, sposato, ha... le mani in una dozzina di paste differenti.
I'm sure that... every man who's ever gotten married has said just that.
Sono sicuro che... ogni uomo che si sia mai sposato ha detto questa frase.
He's a wonderful boy, but he's married, has two children .
E' un ragazzo meraviglioso, ma... E' sposato. Ha due bambini.
It wasn't like that. He's married, has a kid.
E' sposato, ha un bambino.
He's married, has babies.
E' sposato, ha dei figli.
That my wife, Joanna, ever since we were married, has had fits of madness.
Che mia moglie Joanna... Sin da quando ci siamo sposati, ha avuto momenti di pazzia.
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