Traduction de "manicured" à italien
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It's very well-lit and it's very well-manicured.
E' molto illuminata e curata.
Think they've got enough manicured lawns here?
Non pensi che abbiano abbastanza prati curati qui?
You mean manicured or clumsy?
Vuoi dire curate o goffe?
Look at these pretty and manicured hands.
Guarda queste mani, belle e curate...
Nah, that's a manicured lawn going on down there.
No, credo sia un prato ben curato.
Your nails are manicured.
Le tue unghie sono curate.
And risk getting her manicured talons dirty?
E rischiare di sporcare i suoi ben curati artigli?
Happy... Well-manicured facial hair.
Felice... peli facciali ben curati.
Um,well-manicured maybe,but not feminine.
Um ben curate forse, ma non femminili
Lawns are manicured.
I prati sono curatissimi.
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