Traduction de "horrible accident" à italien
Exemples de traduction
And what's right is for you to send a message so that a horrible accident like this never happens to anybody ever again.
E la cosa giusta, e' inviare un messaggio, in modo che incidenti orribili come questo, non accadano mai piu' a nessuno.
She's got into some sort of horrible accident or something.
Le e' successo qualche incidente orribile, una cosa del genere!
Five deaths, Richard - five unexplained, horrible accidents.
- Cinque morti, Richard cinque inspiegabili, incidenti orribili.
James and Richard have both had a horrible accident with a Flymo.
James e Richard hanno avuto un orribile incidente con la tosaerba. - No, ascolta!
...a horrible accident or a terrorist attack or worse...
... un orribile incidente, un attacco terroristico o peggio...
Was it a horrible accident or was it murder?
Orribile incidente, o assassinio?
It's like driving past a horrible accident.
E' come passare accanto a un orribile incidente.
LAUGHTER And there's going to be a horrible accident.
E ci sara' un orribile incidente.
Sure, sure, Paco had a horrible accident and died.
Paco e' morto per un orribile incidente.
Is there any way this was some horrible accident?
C'e' la possibilita' di pensarlo come un orribile incidente?
Clearly, this was just a horrible accident.
Si tratta solo di un orribile incidente, e' evidente.
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