Traduction de "gay was" à italien
Gay was
Exemples de traduction
To go that extra mile and say, I'm gay, was so outrageous.
Fare un passo in avanti e dichiarare di essere gay era molto scandaloso.
The idea that being gay was such a shameful thing...
Il fatto di essere gay era una tale vergogna...
Look, I-I know it's not who you were expecting, but remember how you always said that being gay was just a phase, that I-I just needed to meet the right girl?
Senti, so che lei non e' come ti aspettavi, ma... ricordi quando mi dicevi che essere gay era solo una fase, che dovevo solo incontrare la ragazza giusta?
All you did was lock me in a room with some man, who proceeded to tell me that being gay was a sin.
Mi hai solo chiuso in una stanza con un uomo, che continuava a dirmi che essere gay era peccato.
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