Exemples de traduction
Will you take a gastroscopy exam?
Vuoi fare un esame di gastroscopia?
Yeah, how can you do a gastroscopy and read the index cards?
- Come fai a fare una gastroscopia e a leggere le schede?
Great, great. Well, then, you're in luck, Dr. Peterson, because I think that Karev would be an excellent supervisor for your first gastroscopy.
E' fortunata dottoressa Peterson, perche' credo che Karev sia perfetto come supervisore per la sua prima gastroscopia.
Um, his, uh, abdominal pain's decreased, and I think it's a good time to schedule a gastroscopy.
Il dolore allo stomaco e' diminuito, credo sia ora di fare una gastroscopia. Bene, fantastico.
Let's go schedule that gastroscopy.
Facciamo questa gastroscopia.
But the old woman had a gastroscopy, another a cardiology appointment... and the other was on dialysis.
Ma una vecchia aveva la gastroscopia, un'altra il cardiologo... e l'altra stava in dialisi.
An upside-down gastroscopy.
Una gastroscopia sottosopra?
The gastroscopy stopped the bleeding in her stomach.
La gastroscopia ha fermato l'emorragia gastrica.
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