Traduction de "and asked him" à italien
Exemples de traduction
I met jerome in the cafe typo... And asked him for the services of a translator.
Incontrai Jerome al Caffè Typo e gli chiesi le sue prestazioni come traduttore.
He believed in Jesus and asked him not to forget him when he died.
Lui credeva in gesù e gli chiese di non dimenticarlo dopo morto.
...and asked him to come along for a ride...
...e gli chiese di andare a fare una cavalcata...
You were confused, as you are now, and asked him,
Eri un po' confuso, come adesso e gli chiesi:
I went up to him like any human being would and asked him what was the matter.
- Andai da lui... e gli chiesi cosa aveva.
Henry Kissinger called and asked him to go for his country's honor.
Henry Kissinger chiama e gli chiese di andare per l'onore del suo paese.
His friend, Bud Powell, was leaving town and asked him to drive with him to the airport.
Il suo amico Bud Powell stava lasciando New York e gli chiese di accompagnarlo all'aeroporto.
prince Husain called to the man and asked him why the carpet he was to sell was so expensive
Il principe Hossein chiamo' l'uomo e gli chiese perche' il tappeto che stava vendendo era cosi' costoso.
The stranger approaches my grandfather and asks him for a little rum.
Lo sconosciuto si avvicino' a mio nonno e gli chiese del rum.
Your mother took to him at once and asked him to free you from Sarastro
Tua madre gli diede subito fiducia e gli chiese di liberarti da Sarastro.
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