Traduction de "of barriers" à française
Of barriers
Exemples de traduction
You said everything you encountered in her mind was some kind of barrier.
Vous dites n'avoir rencontré que des barrières dans son esprit.
She's like Jackie Robinson. She's busted a lot of barriers.
Comme Jackie Robinson, elle a brisé des barrières.
You have to build some kind of barrier - to keep them out.
Tu dois ériger des barrières.
They realize that they have to work hard, study hard. They have to overcome a lot of barriers - of course, discrimination and prejudice - but I think they have the right attitude to succeed in America.
Ils savent qu'il faut travailler dur, franchir des barrières, la discrimination, les préjugés, mais ils ont la bonne attitude pour réussir en Amérique.
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