Traduction de "it was talking" à française
It was talking
Exemples de traduction
There was no talk then -- as there is today -- about saving Africa, while it was being ruthlessly pillaged.
À l'époque, on ne parlait pas, comme aujourd'hui, de sauver l'Afrique qui était pillée sans merci.
We know that his country is eager to impress the particular international community he was talking about.
Nous savons que son pays tient beaucoup à impressionner la communauté internationale particulière dont il parlait.
They kept talking about it, so much so that we became very anxious to know what the big event would be.
On en parlait tellement que je voulais ardemment savoir en quoi consisterait ce grand événement.
Peace was breaking out all over the world and there was much talk of peace dividends.
La paix éclatait dans le monde entier et l'on parlait beaucoup des dividendes de la paix.
There was talk of “peace dividends”.
On parlait alors des «dividendes de la paix».
At the turn of the decade there was talk of a new world order.
Au début de la décennie on parlait d'un nouvel ordre mondial.
Furthermore, the Decalogue did not talk of rights but of obligations, which made it more altruistic.
De plus le Décalogue ne parlait pas de droits, mais d'obligations, ce qui le rendait plus altruiste.
Could this be what the Pope was talking about — the small nations — those which have power, whether it be economic or military?
Est-ce de cela dont parlait le Pape — les petites nations — celles qui détiennent le pouvoir, qu'il soit économique ou militaire?
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