Traduction de "he heal" à française
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Exemples de traduction
He's healing in his own way.
Il guérit à sa propre manière.
He healed people, I saw it.
Il guérit les gens. Je l'ai vu.
Yes, he's healing nicely.
Il guérit bien.
He's healing very quickly actually.
Il guérit très vite.
He heals people, and he plants.
Il guérit les gens, il plante...
Yeah. He...heals fast.
Oui, il... guérit vite.
He heals quickly too.
Il guérit vite.
He heals people.
Il guérit les gens.
It's slow, but he's healing.
C'est lent, mais... il guérit.
Will he heal?
Va-t-il guérir ?
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