Traduction de "had cut" à française
Exemples de traduction
Cathy had cut her hair. By herself.
Cathy avait coupé ses cheveux elle-même.
Maybe a little. When we broke up I felt like someone had cut off my arms and my legs.
Peut-être un peu. c'était comme si on m'avait coupé les bras et les jambes.
The woman needed money. Her husband had cut off her funds.
Son mari lui avait coupé les vivres.
Father had cut her off. Said it was time she married, settled down.
Père lui avait coupée les vives .il était temps qu'elle se marie, s'installe.
You're saying if he had cut it with a tool, it'd be clean.
S'il l'avait coupée, la coupure serait nette.
After that, this is as if someone had cut a part of the family tree.
Après ça, c'est comme si quelqu'un avait coupé une partie de l'arbre familial.
He wanted the world to think that he had cut ties with you so he could make a deal with Winstone.
Pour faire croire qu'il avait coupé les ponts avec toi et passer un marché avec Winstone.
By the time the doctors came by to tell me that you were stable, the diamond had cut into my palm from clenching it so tightly.
Quand les médecins sont venus me dire que tu étais stable, Le diamant avait coupé ma paume car je l'avais trop serré.
I went to check on the windmill, and someone had cut it down.
Je suis allée vérifier le moulin à vent, et quelqu'un l'avait coupé.
If a kidnapper had cut off the ear, he would have pressed on Maybelle's scalp for leverage.
Si le kidnappeur avait coupé l'oreille Il aurait pressé sur le scalp de Maybelle comme appui.
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