Traduction de "convince me" à française
Exemples de traduction
That's supposed to convince me?
C'est sensé me convaincre ?
All right, convince me.
Bon, tâchez de me convaincre.
You just convinced me.
Tu viens de me convaincre.
Convincing me is irrelevant.
Nul besoin de me convaincre.
Convince me otherwise.
Ou au contraire me convaincre
Yeah, well, convince me.
Vous devez me convaincre.
I know nothing. Convince me.
Il faut me convaincre.
Are you trying to convince me of that, or yourself?
Qui cherches-tu à convaincre, moi ou toi ?
If you have something to convince me to convince the doctors that she's alive.
Pour nous convaincre, moi et les médecins, qu'elle est en vie.
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