Traduction de "civilian population" à française
Civilian population
Exemples de traduction
One can hardly talk of a normal civilian population in this place.
Cette population civile n'a rien de normal.
"intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population."
" attaque intentionnelle contre une population civile. "
The civilian population was none the wiser.
La population civile n'en a rien su.
The station's civilian population was leaving en masse.
La population civile quittait la station en masse.
I'm not here to help the civilian population.
Je ne suis pas venue pour aider la population civile.
Where does the evacuation of the civilian population?
Où en est l'évacuation de la population civile?
Excuse me, general, what about the civilian population?
Mon général, qu'adviendra-t-il de la population civile?
Safeguarding the lives of the civilian population.
La sauvegarde de la population civile.
The civilian population feels differently.
La population civile pense différemment.
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