Traduction de "at such a time" à française
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At such a time a man may lose his grace.
Dans un tel moment, un homme peut perdre sa grâce.
At such a time, you have to give her lots of gifts and say all the nice things, and then will the girl refuse you?
Dans un tel moment, il faut lui offrir plein de cadeaux et lui dire des choses gentilles. Après ça, la fille peut-elle te dire non ?
There have been good times, and there have been bad times.
Il y a eu de bons moments et il y a eu de mauvais moments.
It was not a time for excuses and invective, it was a time to talk peace.
Ce n'est ni le moment de se disculper, ni de se répandre en invectives, c'est le moment de parler de paix.
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