Traduction de "and give him" à française
And give him
Exemples de traduction
I will visit him and give him hope.
Je vais le voir et lui donner de l'espoir
And give him another opportunity to lie to you?
Et lui donner une autre opportunité de te mentir ?
You've gotta trust God and give him time
Avoir confiance en Dieu et lui donner du temps
I could demote and give him mine.
Je pourrais me rétrograder et lui donner le mien.
And give him another chance to frown disapprovingly?
Et lui donner l'occasion de froncer les sourcils d'un air désapprobateur ?
You should go ahead and give him his medal.
Vous pouvez continuer et lui donner sa médaille.
Trust me and give him a chance.
Croyez-moi, et lui donner une chance.
And give him the satisfaction?
Et lui donner satisfaction?
And give him strength to kill Spartacus.
Et lui donner la force de tuer Spartacus.
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