Traduction de "marked with" à finlandais
Marked with
Exemples de traduction
Mandatory fields are marked with *
Pakolliset kentät on merkitty *
* Fields marked with * are required.
* Kentät merkitty * ovat pakollisia.
Fields marked with * are mandatory
* merkityt kohdat ovat pakollisia
The fields marked with * are mandatory
* Merkityt kentät ovat pakollisia.
These forms are marked with red.
Lenkki on merkitty punaisella.
Autonomous regions are marked with an asterisk (*).
Kunnat on merkitty tähdellä (*).
Revoked distinctions are marked with red.
Karsiutuneet kaupungit on merkitty punaisella.
All occurrences are marked with an asterisk (*).
Nämä teokset on merkitty tähdellä (*).
All exterior boundaries are marked with signs.
Alueiden rajat on merkitty laudalle.
Entrances to the refuge are marked with road signs.
Reitti on risteyksissä merkitty viitoin.
These are marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below.
Syysmaastot on merkitty asteriskilla (*) luetteloon.
Officers killed in action are marked with a † symbol.
Sukupuuttoon kuolleet taksonit on merkitty †-merkillä.
It is marked with blue and red arrows.
Ne on merkitty punaisin ja sinisin opastauluin.
Introduced species are marked with an asterisk (*).
Endeemiset eli kotoperäiset lajit on merkitty asteriskilla (*) ensimmäiseen sarakkeeseen.
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