Traduction de "faustina's" à finlandais
Exemples de traduction
Temple of Antoninus and Faustina on the left.
Vasemmalla Antoninuksen ja Faustinan temppeli.
The temple of Antoninus and Faustina in the background.
Taustalla Antoninuksen ja Faustinan temppeli.
The temple of Vespasian on the left, then the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina.
Vasemmalla Vespasianuksen temppeli, Antoninuksen ja Faustinan temppeli.
The temple was begun in 141 AD by the Emperor Antoninus Pius and was initially dedicated to his deceased and deified wife, Faustina the Elder.
Temppelin rakennutti keisari Antoninus Pius edesmenneen vaimonsa Faustinan muistoksi vuonna 141.
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