Traduction de "change in length" à finlandais
Change in length
Exemples de traduction
The change in the linear dimension can be estimated to be: Δ L L = α L Δ T {\displaystyle {\frac {\Delta L}{L}}=\alpha _{L}\Delta T} This estimation works well as long as the linear-expansion coefficient does not change much over the change in temperature Δ T {\displaystyle \Delta T} , and the fractional change in length is small Δ L / L ≪ 1 {\displaystyle \Delta L/L\ll 1} .
Kappaleen pituuden muutos Δ L {\displaystyle \Delta L} voidaan ratkaista yhtälöstä Δ L = α Δ T L 0 {\displaystyle \Delta L=\alpha \Delta TL_{0}\,\!} , missä L 0 {\displaystyle L_{0}} on kappaleen alkuperäinen pituus ja Δ T {\displaystyle \Delta T} on lämpötilan muutos.
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