Traduction de "were threatened" à espagnol
Were threatened
Exemples de traduction
The couple we brought in said they were threatened, said that their daughter would be found and killed if they contacted the authorities.
La pareja que trajimos dijo que fueron amenazados, dijeron que su hija sería encontrada y asesinada si ellos contactaban las autoridades.
The interests of their nearby Egyptian and Indian empires were threatened.
Los intereses de su imperio en Egipto y La India fueron amenazados.
But at the trial all the witnesses refused to give testimony... they did at last but they were threatened at home.
Pero en el juicio todos los testigos rehusaron a dar su testimonio... al final lo hicieron pero fueron amenazados en casa.
Loan refusers were threatened, prosecuted.
Los que rechazaron el préstamo fueron amenazados y procesados.
You think they were threatened?
¿Crees que fueron amenazados?
Fueron amenazados para no cooperar con los policías.
These people were threatened at their offices by an intruder who was released right before they were murdered.
Aun así fueron amenazados en sus despachos por un intruso que yo puse en libertad tres horas antes de que todos fueran masacrados.
They were threatened with expulsion.
Fueron amenazados con la expulsión.
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